
GUI for searching packages and viewing package information
  2 reviews

This tool is aimed to help you search the packages you need. It should make the task of searching a pleasant experience.

Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system) * files * installed status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including screenshots and the files within a package.

It is possible to install or remove packages.
Latest reviews
Tomi1980 6 years ago

egész jó, csak így tovább.. viszont nem fogadja el a jelszót.. így nem tudom mire jó.. :D

vitserra 10 years ago

Argumentos de pesquisa amigável, boa velocidade de resposta (dependendo do argumento de pesquisa) e informações de pacotes o mais detalhado possível ( inclusive com indice de ranking )