This program is greatly usefu! It's command line only, so open a Terminal and type "pdftk --help" or "man pdftk" and you'll have the options explained.
Can't say anything about it. Unable to start application after installation due to missing starter.
Can be useful. I tried it to fill in a PDF form, but the file seems to be a mess.
Only easy way to combine PDFs that I know of: pdftk "input1.pdf" "input2.pdf" cat output 'output.pdf'
Le seul programme du genre qui fait tout ce qu'il doit faire parmi ceux que j'ai essayés, en particulier reconstruit les liens internes dans les pdf (renvois aux notes de bas de page par exemple) ce que ne font pas les autres que j'ai essayés mais attention ne fonctionne qu'en ligne de commande
Never installed properly after trying 5 times. Couldnt find it in the Menu, even using search
VERY powerful and easy to use PDF tools that can do many tasks you would otherwise need Acrobat for.