
open-source tool for novelists
  6 reviews

Plume Creator helps you to write your stories in chapters and scenes, write fullscreen, edit notes and synopses, export in html and odt formats, edit in rich text, and manage characters, places and items.
Latest reviews
DrivenNuts 7 months ago

Support/updates for this STOPPED in 2014 Just another of many ABANDONED software packages still here years after their creators walked away. WHY? Whoever is assigned to keeping this "Software Manager" up to date is NOT doing their job! USING any un-updates, decades old software IS a serious SECURITY RISK.

mikeflan 1 year ago

The link given: '' redirects to '' and does not appear to be related to this software. Others report that this software was abandoned in 2016 (

JaySup 5 years ago

Seems to have completely lost my project. And the automatic backup seems to be from the very first project session. Pretty bummed, wouldn't recommend trusting this software with any kind of time or effort at the moment.

tonybluegoat 6 years ago

Like it so far. It's my first novel and I've never used any other tools. But I like the outline feature. It's really helping me set up my novel. No issues yet.

cosscara 7 years ago

Uno dei migliori programmi per scrittori, lo uso da anni ed ho pubblicato tre romanzi prodotti con questo soaftware. Mai nessun crash o freeze.

KutWrite 7 years ago

Program crashes right after completing new project form or when double-clicking existing novel.