
splits an image across multiple pages for assembly into a poster
  10 reviews

The PosteRazor splits an image to form a multi-page PDF document. When printed, the sheets can be arranged to form a large poster of the original picture. An easy to use (wizard like) user interface guides through 5 simple steps.

It relies upon libfreeimage and libxpm supporting many input file formats such as BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG, PNG, TIFF, XPM among others handled by FreeImage like DDS, Dr. Halo, IFF, JBIG, JPEG/JIF, KOALA, LBM, Kodak PhotoCD, PCX, PBM, PGM, PPM, PhotoShop PSD, Sun RAS, TARGA, WBMP, XBM, etc...

Also, PosteRazor can handle the following image color types: Monochrome, Grayscale, 4 Bit palette, 8 Bit palette, 24 Bit RGB, 48 Bit RGB (only via TIFF and PNG), 32 Bit CMYK (only via TIFF). 32 Bit RGBA images can be loaded, but are transformed to 24 Bit RGB by "merging" them with a white background.

It supports dimension units like m, mm, cm, inch, ft, pt(72th inch) and it prints the PDF output file in A4, A3, Legal, Letter or Tabloid layout.
Latest reviews
catslash 1 month ago

So easy to use. Perfect results. Splendid.

Blunnix 8 months ago

Es fácil de usar y de calidad, lo único malo es que la traducción al español del programa es un poco mala, pero cumple su función perfectamente.

laury_croft 1 year ago

Fácil de usar, vistozo, funciona perfecto, no tuve tiempo de probarlo demasiado por eso solo 4* me solucionó el problemita de imprimir gigantografia, asi que lo recomiendo

hurtigrute 4 years ago

easy and great, used it for long png to convert into pdf

publicFriend 9 years ago

Very nice. Works great!

arper24 11 years ago

Muy práctico aunque mejorable

fotonix 12 years ago

Easy to use and very useful.

sim2409 12 years ago

Wenn man Bilder Grösser als 20 Megapixel und Nachfülltinte für den Drucker hat ist das Programm Grossartig. Bilder mit über 20 Megapixeln bekommt man bei Google Bilder ( einfach " Grösser als 20 Megapixel " in den Suchfilter eintragen ), z.B. Bilder vom Meer oder vom All oder von der Erde...Grüsse Simon

stolle 14 years ago

Perfect tool if you have to print something over multiple pages, e.g. a large bitmap which doesnt fit on a single page. Well done user interface.

5_O_Clock_Charlie 14 years ago

Cool software, similar to the "Rastorbator" software for windows. If you ever wanted to blow up an image to cover an entire wall ... or something smaller, this is it ! See for a video of it in action.