
Upload photos to Flickr
  9 reviews

Postr is a Flickr uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr to be useful.

It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets, groups, privacy, licence, etc.

It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus to drop them in Postr.
Latest reviews
fotonut 9 years ago

comes up with an error, which has only been so for a few months. A shame for waht was an awesome app.

ben2talk 9 years ago

Not updated for https - project abandoned for several years now.

skome 10 years ago

unuseable: fails with a 403. Needs to use https

fedir 10 years ago

Generally Ok. No possibility to create new album during upload.

ChibiQ 11 years ago

Lets you upload more than the 200 file limit on the site, but on error, there's no resume, just start over. I assume it creates duplicates that you have to delete yourself.

blueXrider 13 years ago

don't care for it

Ellarina 13 years ago

Simple way to upload photos to flickr

lupinehorror 14 years ago

best flickr uploader on linux. much more verstile than flickr's own. use it daily and have for years.

thoth 14 years ago

simple effective flickr uploader