
Utility for tracking stolen computers
  10 reviews

Prey is a lightweight program to help track and recover a stolen laptop.

It comprises a shell script which calls out on a regular basis to either a server run by the Prey project, or a URL defined by the system administrator. A graphical configuration tool is also provided in order to maintain the simple config file.
Latest reviews
copecu 7 years ago

Currently Debian package from Prey web is 1.6.6. It Needs update!

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

ok grazie

Windsurfer 9 years ago

I use it on three devices - Linux Mint, Android and Win 7

coll 10 years ago

What a load of junk. locked PC do not down load NO NO NO!!!!!!!!

disPPlay 11 years ago

Prey is an excellent way to help track and recover stolen laptops

arcorreia 12 years ago

Hope I'll never need it but it's great to have it installed. Download the current version from Prey's site, the .deb for Ubuntu works fine with LMDE.

shplink 12 years ago

Downloaded the Ubuntu installer off the preyproject web site. Opened with archive mgr and installed. Got caution that an older more stable version is available through pckg manager. Ignored, installed, works great!

topauly 12 years ago

Must run sudo apt-get -f install in terminal for the package to install properly in mint14 cin. It seems the installer doesn't automatically install dependent packages.

Fred_Le_Rouge 13 years ago

Le paquet ne fonctionne pas, autant télécharger le paquet ubuntu sur le site officiel

rolfogodoy 13 years ago

doesn't work at all!!