
HP Linux Printing and Imaging - CUPS Raster driver (hpcups)
  3 reviews

This package contains a CUPS-Raster-based printer driver which adds support for most inkjet printers and some LaserJet printers manufactured by HP. It does not provide PPDs for the fax functionality of HP's multi-function devices.

Users of the CUPS printing system are advised to also install the hplip package, and use the hp CUPS backend to send data to the printer. HPLIP supports USB and networked devices, and enables extended hpcups functionality such as border-less printing. Selecting any hpcups ppd in CUPS will use hpcups automatically.

No physical PPDs are shipped with this driver. PPDs are dynamically generated via a CUPS DDK .drv file.

This package can be installed to provide a minimal headless printer solution using CUPS.
Latest reviews
iosonoscrive 9 years ago


jahid_0903014 10 years ago


lilslice0pi 10 years ago

great but can i have for rebecca or will eaither of those two work the same?