
Molecular Graphics System
  4 reviews

PyMOL is a molecular graphics system targeted at medium to large biomolecules like proteins. It can generate high-quality publication-ready molecular graphics images and animations.

Features include: * Visualization of molecules, molecular trajectories and surfaces of crystallography data or orbitals * Molecular builder and sculptor * Internal raytracer and movie generator * Fully extensible and scriptable via a Python interface

File formats PyMOL can read include PDB, XYZ, CIF, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, CCP4 maps, XPLOR maps and Gaussian cube maps.
Latest reviews
Forgo 2 years ago

Its nicely copied original. Everything works as it may. However, I would be thankful for make it maintaned and up-to-date.

Erebus_Oneiros 4 years ago

Great visualization software for structural analysis. One of its kind! As usual the software repository version is old (latest is v2.4). If you are using this then you are most probably using python/spyder, in that case just get the latest version from anaconda. Check the pymol page for more info.

Jayanthi 6 years ago

Great Visualization tool by a genius...the late Dr.Warren Lyford Delano...Truly salute him. PyMoL is unique and has its own place in Biology...A very useful tool for which I have not found an alternative till date.

jose_r 13 years ago

Very powerful program for the visualization and modeling of protein structures or other molecules in general. It makes beatiful images and movies with the internal raytracer.