
Transitional package for qcad to librecad
  12 reviews

Qcad has been removed from wheezy for depending on qt3 and containing non- distributable fonts, patterns, libraries, and documentation.

librecad is the community-maintained qt4 port of qcad and has superseded qcad in debian as the package "librecad".
Latest reviews
manojprabhu_d 12 years ago

I've learned CAD in this application. I've been using this for the last 3 years for my personal home drawings, commercial construction drawings, as well as combined sketch of several survey numbers of land. All in all, it is a very easy to learn and use 2D CAD application for home and land drawings. I'll recommend users to please use it for at least 2-3 months. It sort of grows on you. The functionality/MB and functionality/$ (come on, it's free) quotient is very high and could give any other FOSS or even commercial CAD application stiff competition. There is also a newer trial version available for download in the official website. It is a radically improved version. Try it out too! All in all, not much to lose but a lot to gain. Thumbs up for this app and 5 stars.

mark_hinds 12 years ago

Fairly useful; still re-evaluating

scott65 12 years ago

If you know AutoCad you won't have any troubles

princeinflorida 12 years ago

I needed a simple floor plan for my house and after giving up on some online offerings, I was able to get the job done with QCAD. I found the Youtube tutorials a nice way to get started with it.

chippyash 13 years ago

This has been a long time must have on my machines for anything from garden design to house renovations.

koscho 13 years ago

keine vernünftige Schnittstelle zu anderen Programmen

cestoner 13 years ago

Works great, I use it for making electrical prints when I install new or update current equipment.

ipingoo 13 years ago


obakfahad 13 years ago

I like it but.....I think Programmers should make it more sourcefull and extensions supports.I am an Civil enginnere student. I need to use Autocad .ANd for only Autocad i have to go to windows.Please make it possible to support "DWG" formates.

anakolut 13 years ago

Funny application, but it doesn't worked with AutoCAD files. (dwg., ... etc.) I don't like it.

bensoliman 13 years ago

A must have for basic technical drawings.

geopip 14 years ago

Great. I need it.