I've learned CAD in this application. I've been using this for the last 3 years for my personal home drawings, commercial construction drawings, as well as combined sketch of several survey numbers of land. All in all, it is a very easy to learn and use 2D CAD application for home and land drawings. I'll recommend users to please use it for at least 2-3 months. It sort of grows on you. The functionality/MB and functionality/$ (come on, it's free) quotient is very high and could give any other FOSS or even commercial CAD application stiff competition. There is also a newer trial version available for download in the official website. It is a radically improved version. Try it out too! All in all, not much to lose but a lot to gain. Thumbs up for this app and 5 stars.
I needed a simple floor plan for my house and after giving up on some online offerings, I was able to get the job done with QCAD. I found the Youtube tutorials a nice way to get started with it.
This has been a long time must have on my machines for anything from garden design to house renovations.
Works great, I use it for making electrical prints when I install new or update current equipment.
I like it but.....I think Programmers should make it more sourcefull and extensions supports.I am an Civil enginnere student. I need to use Autocad .ANd for only Autocad i have to go to windows.Please make it possible to support "DWG" formates.
Funny application, but it doesn't worked with AutoCAD files. (dwg., ... etc.) I don't like it.