
Console File Manager with VI Key Bindings
  3 reviews

Ranger is a console file manager with VI key bindings. It provides a minimalistic and nice curses interface with a view on the directory hierarchy. It ships with "rifle", a file launcher that is good at automatically finding out which program to use for what file type.

Design Goals * An easily maintainable file manager in a high level language * A quick way to switch directories and browse the file system * Keep it small but useful, do one thing and do it well * Console based, with smooth integration into the unix shell
Latest reviews
tastyminerals 11 years ago

Great file manager! Introducing a faster and more flexible navigation paradigm.

jamestunnell 11 years ago

Makes console file browsing fast and intuitive. Puts up a preview of text files.

antolieztsu 13 years ago

A very fast filemanager. It's save me a lot of time!