
System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
  2 reviews

SAGA GIS (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) is a free and open source geographic information system used for editing and analysing spatial data. It includes a large number of modules for the analysis of vector (point, line and polygon), table, grid and image data. Among others the package includes modules for geostatistics, image classification, projections, simulation of dynamic processes (hydrology, landscape development) and terrain analysis. The functionality can be accessed through a GUI, the command line or by using the C++ API.
Latest reviews
zboraon 8 years ago

You can use it via qgis or as a standalone analysis tool. It has lots of features. Of course could be better but, try it.

mazinga 11 years ago

Includes really a lot of features for GIS analysis. I prefer to use it via the QGIS integration.