
Display and control your Android device
  15 reviews

This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access.

This package contains the client (desktop) binary.
Latest reviews
oferdesadeagain 4 months ago

The gui doesn't work and the program itself, when opened through the terminal, closes if i close the terminal. Otherwise, fast, responsive. does everything except push through sound.

mmg123 1 year ago

very good

markr 1 year ago

Works perfectly for me and it was easy to setup compared to lots of other apps.

mmrln 1 year ago

nao funciona, nem abre(21,1cinnamon)

Silvergmac 1 year ago

Esta versão não está funcionando corretamente LM Cinnamon 21.1, a versão Snap está funcionando corretamente, é um aplicativo muito bom e muito útil atende muito bem o seu propósito

KIMW 2 years ago

WOW, Excellent!!! For those who think it does not work, search at and test different things. It took me a little while to understand how to control it from my laptop though. If you struggle, first enabled Developer Mode on your phone, then, enabled all USB debugging authorisation , AND also, (Security settings) > "Allow granting permissions and simulating input via USB debugging". To know more about how to control it from a computer, type: "scrcpy -h" on your Terminal.

mikel5280 2 years ago

INFO: scrcpy 1.12.1 adb: error: failed to get feature set: no devices/emulators found ERROR: "adb push" returned with value 1 and no instructions

Serenova 3 years ago

Works well! The only issue is the descritpion needs to tell you to launch it from the terminal. I figured it out by reading through the github documentation. Works great now that I know how to launch it and what the commands are!

JimmiVP 3 years ago

Nothing happens when i launch it. Useless

Gannet 3 years ago

Works very reliably with LM xfce version. Allows text to be typed into phone from PC keyboard and pasted from other PC applications using [ctrl]+v.. Would be nice to be able to do it the other way round as well. Even without this nothing else matches Scrcpy

feralhound 3 years ago

I use it constantly. Much easier for screen capture than doing it on the Android device and exporting, and also much easier to enter text. Supporting Android apps is a breeze when I can share the screen while also doing other work.

stefano97 3 years ago

Works very smoothly. But it's a bit old...please update

porcayotino 4 years ago

the best screenmirror

amrsalah 4 years ago

Installed without any errors. Working Good.

Vasilis_K 4 years ago

Working flawlessly on Mint 20!