
screencast tool to display your keystrokes
  4 reviews

Screenkey is a screencast tool to display your keys inspired by Screenflick for Mac OS and based initially on key-mon project.

It’s useful to create screencasts and is also a powerful teaching tool.
Latest reviews
Kolchev 5 years ago

Отличное приложение! Правда не сразу понял, что в запущенном состоянии его можно найти в нижней панели. Удобные настройки. Спасибо разработчикам!

2pixels 7 years ago

good software. I also cannot access preferences. pressing space bar should write something like "space bar" not empty string

carlosmtnz 10 years ago

Podría ser una buena aplicación, pero se cuelga cada vez que intento acceder a sus preferencias. This could be a useful app, but it crashes everytime I try to access its preferences.

mhchagas 11 years ago

Very good tool, icon on toolbar not always behaves as it should