
Skype keeps the world talking, for free.
  20 reviews

Skype keeps you together. Call, message and share with others. * It's free to download and join. * Call, instant message and send photos and documents to anyone else on Skype. * Easily text message anywhere in the world. * Get your friends together on a group call. And that's just the start...
Latest reviews
rv_in 4 weeks ago

Not currently working. Looks like this is the older version and is no longer supported. Trying to log into this version of Skype shows a message that the version is out of date (with a link to download the snap package for the latest version).

ludolph 7 months ago

Only older version available (deb package), but still fully functional Skype. Do not use more recent flathub versions, which are completely unusable??!!

Mintov 7 months ago

Perfectly program

dbunkerd 2 years ago

Works with Linux MInt 20.03. It is better to install the apt version, since with the flatpak version you are unable to download (save) files to your filesystem.

dave1775 3 years ago

Every update re-adds itself to startup. That is just creepy Microsoft in action.

jorvic73 3 years ago

Funciona bien. !!!

pcfan5 3 years ago

Continuamente arroja error de conexión a internet y repositorio// Repository error connection, all the time.

Shirokij 3 years ago

I updated by .deb file. Downloaded from official site. Removed previous version, and then istalled the latest one.

superman 3 years ago

Excellent!! But there is an optical issue with the taskbar icon. It is distorted(not clear looking) as the others mentioned.

Emax 3 years ago

The background effect that were available in Windows OS are not available on Linux Mint. Only Blur is available . dont know what to do about it or how to update it properly

madmax95 4 years ago

Works like a charm!

sergalexandr 5 years ago

skype needs to be updated, how to do it?

TheLinuxKid 5 years ago

We need more Microsoft apps on Linux!

tsfurlan 5 years ago

the size of the taskbar icon has been distorted in version 8.45

EddySRB 5 years ago

Look at that ram usage

rawaniajay 6 years ago

Cool ! It's not opensource but its work fine.

leolimajc 6 years ago

Aplicativo essencial para quem utiliza video conferencia. O cliente Linux não deixa NADA a dever para outros SO's. Muito bonito e funcional e perfeito no Mint 19.

rmwiseman 6 years ago

Skype is fine, but this version kept reloading the page and then crashing for me! The Flatpak version worked fine so I'm using that.

Give_Trees_A_Chance 6 years ago

Skype on Linux really has no right to take up the kind of space that it does. It's a shame to see Microsoft not care about Linux or their own software.

MrCrazyBolt5150 6 years ago

What even happened to you, Microsoft? You took something that was big back then and you made it bad. Let's just hope you don't try to buy out Discord.