The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a vast collection of robust and well documented numerical functions. It includes support for many special functions, random numbers, interpolation and integration routines, and much more.
Many of the routines in the GSL may be made available to the S-Lang interpreter via the GSL modules included in this package.
The following GSL modules are available:
* gslsf: The GSL special function module. Currently, this module provides an interface to nearly 200 GSL special functions. * gslconst: The GSL constants module. This module defines many constants such as CONST_MKSA_SPEED_OF_LIGHT, CONST_CGSM_BOLTZMANN, etc. * gslinterp: The GSL interpolation module, which includes routines for linear interpolation, cubic splines, etc. * gslrand: The GSL random number module. This module supports most of GSL's random number generators and distributions. * gslcdf: The GSL cumulative distribution function module. * gslfft: The GSL fast-fourier transform module. * gslcore: This is a module that must be loaded before any of the above modules can be loaded. Its main purpose is to provide support functions for the other GSL modules.