
Inkscape extension for creating animated presentations
  3 reviews

Unlike most presentation formats, a Sozi document is not organized as a slideshow, but rather as a poster where the content of your presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that focus on the elements you want to show.

A Sozi presentation is an SVG document in which a sequence of “frames” is defined. A frame is a rectangular region of the document associated with presentation and animation information (e.g. title, ordering, transition duration).

The presentation editor is an extension for the Inkscape vector graphics editor. It means that you can create an entire presentation, graphics and animation, within a single environment.

Documents produced by Inkscape and Sozi can be displayed and animated by web browsers supporting the SVG format, and the Javascript language. The user can control the presentation using the mouse and keyboard.
Latest reviews
iraya_agos 7 years ago

Sozi is very simple to use! Current version (17) is not an Inkscape extension anymore so you need to download from github.

eeftekhari 10 years ago

Excellent extension for inkskape, but is not up-to-date. Install 13.10 from the source

raphy 11 years ago

great alternative for prezi..