
Multi-panel tabbed file manager - GTK2 version
  4 reviews

SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file and desktop manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev or HAL-based device manager, customizable menu system and bash integration.

A descendant of PCManFM, SpaceFM's aims are to be bugfixed, efficient (mainly C), hugely customisable (change and add to the GUI as you go with Design Mode), powerful without scaring off newer users (due to customisation), independent of particular distributions and desktop environments, and device management featureful enough to replace the various udisks-based *kits when used alongside udevil.

Other highlights include optional desktop management, smart queuing of file operations, user plugins and the ability to carry out specific commands as root.

Please install spacefm-gtk3 instead if you want to stick with GTK+3.
Latest reviews
zack 1 year ago

The best file explorer for the XFCE desktop, I have the system colors in spaceFM, as well as the icon theme, it's the most detailed explorer I've seen, once you've done your setup you save the spacefm files that are in the /home then for the next time everything resets in 10 seconds.

Plopp 3 years ago

Just registered only to say how great that tool is. Very light-weight, fast, stable, self-explaining UI and up to 4 windows. I'm using it on Linux Mint 20.1 and I love it!!

SauPhi 8 years ago

Trés bon

doubledodge 10 years ago

I installed this on Mint 17 Quiana XFCE after getting really frustrated by the totally dreadful Thunar file manager. I am now planning to install it on my Mate machines as it also outshines the very capable Caja in flexibility, customisability and features. Totally awesome.