
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
  20 reviews

Speedtest.net is a webservice that allows you to test your broadband connection by downloading a file from one of many Speedtest.net servers from around the world.

This utility allows you to use the Speedtest.net service from the command line.

Note: This tool accesses speedtest.net over http, while the web-based client uses websockets. This tool has shown to become increasingly inacurate with high-speed connections. For more information, see the readme on: https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli
Latest reviews
Fonzie 1 month ago

While it works, as of 2025-02-20 the package hasn't been maintained in 4 years and is relying on deprecated/unsafe code. I would suggest to just visit speedtest.net in the browser if at all possible.

Rey79 3 months ago

In my case the utility doesn´t work well, meabe for my server but take to long time to report the speed of my conection

gander 3 months ago

It does its job. The script could have the simplest graphical interface, but it's not very required

Peyrol 9 months ago

I get HTTP error 403 Forbidden

sn0wlink 1 year ago

It's a great tool for testing your connection speed on a rented VPS. Works great and very lightweight. Highly recomended!

Drizzle 1 year ago

It does exactly what you want when it works. However, during updates, I was getting errors saying that the repository does not have a release file, preventing the update. Annoyingly, I've now uninstalled it, but I'm still getting that error, which prevents me from upgrading to a new Mint version.

Marekruzi 2 years ago

Works perfectly for me, showing real dowload/upload speeed even connected using VPN

KIMW 2 years ago

Was working fine before. Now. for a few month, it does not work anymore. It says: "ERROR: Unable to connect to servers to test latency."

JayBird707 2 years ago

Try speedtest-cli --secure to eliminate the "Cannot retrieve speedtest configuration ERROR: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden"

lericony 2 years ago

Eigentlich ein praktisches Tool. Spuckt mir beim ersten Durchgang allerdings – zumindest im Download – unglaubwürdige Zahlen aus (ca. 5MBit/s), danach kommt lediglich eine Fehlermeldung mit Error 403. Neu installieren ändert nichts. Somit leider doch nicht brauchbar.

gregssmith 2 years ago

Upload speed seems WAY off. For the user wanting to know how to "capture" the results ... speedtest > filename or speedtest | tee filename ... Modern Linux GUIs have all but killed command line skills )-;

nobler 4 years ago

Always gives incorrect upload results. For example: running speedtest through the browser, I see 600--800Mbps up and down (yes, NextLight is fast). Using speedtest from the command line, download looks okay, but upload always shows 4.15Mbps.

plymhypnos 4 years ago

Simple to use. How can I channel the output to a file for later comparison?

stokoznanie 4 years ago

Fast and easy option to get an idea for your Internet speed. I like it.

xrdeem 4 years ago

Awesome! just type in 'speedtest' in terminal and boom! Upload and download speeds ASAP!

tepavac05 5 years ago


BobLinux 5 years ago

Upload speeds seems accurate. But upload doesn't show speed higher than 4 MBit and my real transfere speed is 300/300.

moritzkooistra 6 years ago

Values do not seem to be correct. Not sure what the problem is..

freckle 7 years ago

Output of utility doesn't match output of web service.

gravecone 7 years ago
