
Libraries for the SRA Toolkit
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This package provides all libraries and modules for executing the NCBI SRA toolkit's programs. This currently includes:

libkdb # physical layer reading library
libkfg # configuration library
libkfs # file system library
libklib # support library
libkproc # process synchronization library
libkq # cross-thread queue library
libksproc # single-threaded emulation library
libksrch # search algorithm library
libkxfs # XML to filesystem library
libkxml # XML container support library
libload # loader tool utility library
libsra-schema # weak-linked sra schema
libsradb # API for accessing sra
libsrapath # weak-link stubs for srapath
libsrareader # reader library
libvdb # virtual layer reading library
libwkdb # physical layer update library
libwsradb # update API for SRA
libwvdb # virtual layer update library