
real-time photo-realistic sky generator
  20 reviews

Stellarium renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real-time. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope.

Some features: - default star catalogue with over 600 thousand stars, - information about the brightest stars (spectral type, distance, etc.), - downloadable star catalogue extensions, for up to 210 million stars, - all New General Catalogue (NGC) objects, - images of almost all Messier objects and the Milky Way, - real time positions of the planets and their satellites, - 13 different cultures with their constellations, - artistic illustrations of the 88 Western constellations, - very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset, - 7 panoramic landscapes (more can be made or downloaded from the website), - scripting with ECMAScript, - plug-in support: Stellarium comes with 8 plug-ins by default, including: - artificial satellites plug-in (updated from an on-line TLE database), - ocular simulation plug-in (shows how objects look like in a given ocular), - Solar System editor plug-in (imports comet and asteroid data from the MPC), - telescope control plug-in (Meade LX200 and Celestron NexStar compatible).

Stellarium should not be used for very high accurate calculation or ephemerids like eclipse predictions. However, it is the ideal program to prepare an observation evening with naked eye, binocular, or small telescope.
Latest reviews
p1p3 8 months ago

Great Software

ksm_018 9 months ago

Exelente para las clases de astronomía

olafthelofty 1 year ago

Brilliant. Always has been. One thing - if you get stuck trying to exit either press F11 to window it or mouse down to the bottom and hover till you find the almost transparent exit icon.

caltrop4 2 years ago

got some bugs, this is NOT the latest version but a development version, do not know why the Mint Repository is so out of date?

Mike_Oxhard 2 years ago

I had the same problem as Brandon T. Crashed when launched. However, after I upgraded my video Card I reinstalled it and it works great. I've been an amatuer Astronomer since the 80's and I really like this program.

wiospklmt 2 years ago

действующая версия 0.22.1. Респект авторам. Собралась из исходников меньше, чем за час. 430 MB на диске. Но из исходников не все умеют. А мантейнеры спят, наверное...

jprlinux66 2 years ago

véry good software but make update please actually version 22.1

rwking38 3 years ago

Great program. I get lost for hours watching and learning.

feralhound 3 years ago

I concur with CoconutSecurity that it's a great program. However, it is easy to suggest a change to the program: submit an issue on github

CoconutSecurity 3 years ago

It's a great program with high valued information. It's nice to spend time with learning by using Stellarium. Unfortunately, there is no suitable way to reach the developer team, because there are some translation misstakes in German. I would like to help with the translation, but can't determine how to do.

danger89 4 years ago

Very cool app to view the night sky!!!

Starkiller_007 4 years ago

Awesome app

harishjayapraba 4 years ago

It Works great and it never crahes..

Zagaz 4 years ago

Working fine.

Brandon_T 4 years ago

Crashed immediately on first launch. Not a great start on my ventrure into linux :(

ASHISH 4 years ago

the application doesn't open. Please help

PlazmaKG 5 years ago

Stellarium is an extremmely cool peice of software. If you want the newest version, I reccommend you run "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stellarium/stellarium-releases && sudo apt update" in your terminal than update your system!

Nekator 5 years ago

I absolutely love stellarium, have been using it since I had binoculars, and then upgraded to Celestron Powerseeker 127 and actually using it flawlessly with computer control and all with a Celestron Nexstar 8SE. Absolutely wonderful layout and interface..

valpvbg 5 years ago

so good

nowakowski 5 years ago

The interface is terribly ugly, but the application itself is very cool and interesting.