The toolkit for conceptual modeling is a collection of software tools to present conceptual models of software systems in the form of diagrams, tables, trees, and the like. a conceptual model of a system is a structure used to represent the requirements or architecture of the system. tcm is meant to be used for specifying and maintaining requirements for desired systems, in which a number of techniques and heuristics for problem analysis, function refinement, behavior specification, and architecture specification are used. tcm takes the form of a suite of graphical editors that can be used in these design tasks. these editors can be categorized into:
* generic editors for generic diagrams, generic tables and generic
* structured analysis (sa) editors for entity-relationship diagrams,
data and event flow diagrams, state transition diagrams, function
refinement trees, transaction-use tables and function-entity type
* unified modeling language (uml) editors for static structure
diagrams, use-case diagrams, activity diagrams, state charts, message
sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, component diagrams and
deployment diagrams (only the first three uml and last two editors
are functional at this moment).
* miscellaneous editors such as for jsd (process structure and
network diagrams), recursive process graphs and transaction decomposition
tcm supports constraint checking for single documents (e.g. name duplication and cycles in is-a relationships). tcm distinguishes built-in constraints (of which a violation cannot even be attempted) from immediate constraints (of which an attempted violation is immediately prevented) and soft constraints (against which the editor provides a warning when it checks the drawing). tcm is planned to support hierarchic graphs, so that it can handle for example hierarchic statecharts. features to be added later include constraint checking across documents and executable models.
this package contains all the documentation that comes in the original tarball.