This package includes the following CTAN packages:
12many -- Generalising mathematical index sets
accents -- Multiple mathematical accents
alg -- LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms
algobox -- Typeset Algobox programs
algorithm2e -- Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
algorithmicx -- The algorithmic style you always wanted
algorithms -- A suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
algpseudocodex -- Package for typesetting pseudocode
algxpar -- Support multiple lines pseudocode
aligned-overset -- Fix alignment at \overset or \underset
amscdx -- Enhanced commutative diagrams
amstex -- American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
apxproof -- Proofs in appendix
autobreak -- Simple line breaking of long formulae
axodraw2 -- Feynman diagrams in a LaTeX document
backnaur -- Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions
begriff -- Typeset Begriffschrift
binomexp -- Calculate Pascal's triangle
biocon -- Typesetting biological species names
bitpattern -- Typeset bit pattern diagrams
bodeplot -- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Nichols plots with gnuplot or pgfplots
bohr -- Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model
boldtensors -- Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters
bosisio -- A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio
bpchem -- Typeset chemical names, formulae, etc
bropd -- Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX
bussproofs -- Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus
bussproofs-extra -- Extra commands for bussproofs.sty
bytefield -- Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
calculation -- Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs
cartonaugh -- A LuaLaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
cascade -- Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
causets -- Draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams
ccfonts -- Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
ccool -- A key-value document command parser
chemarrow -- Arrows for use in chemistry
chemcompounds -- Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds
chemcono -- Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents
chemexec -- Creating (chemical) exercise sheets
chemformula -- Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
chemgreek -- Upright Greek letters in chemistry
chemmacros -- A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
chemnum -- A method for numbering chemical compounds
chemplants -- Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ
chemschemex -- Typeset and cross-reference chemical schemes based on TikZ code
chemsec -- Automated creation of numeric entity labels
chemstyle -- Writing chemistry with style
clrscode -- Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
clrscode3e -- Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
codeanatomy -- Typeset code with annotations
commath -- Mathematics typesetting support
commutative-diagrams -- CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
complexity -- Computational complexity class names
computational-complexity -- Class for the journal Computational Complexity
concmath -- Concrete Math fonts
concrete -- Concrete Roman fonts
conteq -- Typeset multiline continued equalities
correctmathalign -- Correct spacing of the alignment in expressions
cryptocode -- Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
decision-table -- An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
delim -- Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters
delimseasy -- Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
delimset -- Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
derivative -- Nice and easy derivatives
diffcoeff -- Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
digiconfigs -- Writing "configurations"
dijkstra -- Dijkstra algorithm for LaTeX
drawmatrix -- Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
drawstack -- Draw execution stacks
dyntree -- Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
easing -- easing functions for pgfmath
ebproof -- Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
econometrics -- Defines some commands that simplify mathematic notation in economic and econometric writing
eltex -- Simple circuit diagrams in LaTeX picture mode
emf -- Support for the EMF symbol
endiagram -- Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams
engtlc -- Support for users in Telecommunications Engineering
eqexpl -- Align explanations for formulas
eqnarray -- More generalised equation arrays with numbering
eqnnumwarn -- Modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
euclideangeometry -- Draw geometrical constructions
extarrows -- Extra Arrows beyond those provided in amsmath
extpfeil -- Extensible arrows in mathematics
faktor -- Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX
fascicules -- Create mathematical manuals for schools
fnspe -- Macros for supporting mainly students of FNSPE CTU in Prague
formal-grammar -- Typeset formal grammars
fouridx -- Left sub- and superscripts in maths mode
functan -- Macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
galois -- Typeset Galois connections
gastex -- Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
gene-logic -- Typeset logic formulae, etc
ghsystem -- Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming
glosmathtools -- Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
gotoh -- An implementation of the Gotoh sequence alignment algorithm
grundgesetze -- Typeset Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
gu -- Typeset crystallographic group-subgroup-schemes
helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation -- Beautiful in-line microtonal just intonation accidentals
hep -- A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
hepnames -- Pre-defined high energy particle names
hepparticles -- Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names
hepthesis -- A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
hepunits -- A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
includernw -- Include .Rnw inside .tex
interval -- Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
ionumbers -- Restyle numbers in maths mode
isomath -- Mathematics style for science and technology
jkmath -- Macros for mathematics that make the code more readable
jupynotex -- Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in LaTeX documents
karnaugh -- Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps
karnaugh-map -- LaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
karnaughmap -- Typeset Karnaugh maps
kvmap -- Create Karnaugh maps with LaTeX
letterswitharrows -- Draw arrows over math letters
lie-hasse -- Draw Hasse diagrams
linenoamsmath -- Use the lineno package together with amsmath
logicproof -- Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic
longdivision -- Typesets long division
lpform -- Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
lplfitch -- Fitch-style natural deduction proofs
lstbayes -- Listings language driver for Bayesian modeling languages
mathcommand -- \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
mathcomp -- Text symbols in maths mode
mathfixs -- Fix various layout issues in math mode
mathlig -- Define maths "ligatures"
mathpartir -- Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
mathpunctspace -- Control the space after punctuation in math expressions
matlab-prettifier -- Pretty-print Matlab source code
matrix-skeleton -- A PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes
mattens -- Matrices/tensor typesetting
mecaso -- Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
membranecomputing -- Membrane Computing notation
memorygraphs -- TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory
mgltex -- High-quality graphics from MGL scripts embedded in LaTeX documents
mhchem -- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
mhequ -- Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
miller -- Typeset miller indices
mismath -- Miscellaneous mathematical macros
multiobjective -- Symbols for multiobjective optimisation etc
natded -- Typeset natural deduction proofs
nath -- Natural mathematics notation
nchairx -- Maths macros from chair X of Wurzburg University
nicematrix -- Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
nuc -- Notation for nuclear isotopes
nucleardata -- Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
numerica -- Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
numerica-plus -- Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
numerica-tables -- Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
objectz -- Macros for typesetting Object Z
oplotsymbl -- Some symbols which are not easily available
ot-tableau -- Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
oubraces -- Braces over and under a formula
pascaltriangle -- Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
perfectcut -- Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
pfdicons -- Draw process flow diagrams in chemical engineering
physconst -- Macros for commonly used physical constants
physics -- Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
physunits -- Macros for commonly used physical units
pinoutikz -- Draw chip pinouts with TikZ
pm-isomath -- Poor man ISO math for pdfLaTeX users
polexpr -- A parser for polynomial expressions
prftree -- Macros for building proof trees
principia -- Notations for typesetting the "Principia Mathematica"
proba -- Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts
proof-at-the-end -- A package to move proofs to appendix
prooftrees -- Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
pseudo -- Straightforward pseudocode
pseudocode -- LaTeX environment for specifying algorithms in a natural way
pythonhighlight -- Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
qsharp -- Syntax highlighting for the Q# language
rank-2-roots -- Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems
rbt-mathnotes -- Rebecca Turner's personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
rec-thy -- Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
rest-api -- Describing a rest api
revquantum -- Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful
ribbonproofs -- Drawing ribbon proofs
rmathbr -- Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations
sankey -- Draw Sankey diagrams with TikZ
sasnrdisplay -- Typeset SAS or R code or output
sciposter -- Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger
sclang-prettifier -- Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code
scratchx -- Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents
sesamanuel -- Class and package for sesamath books or paper
sfg -- Draw signal flow graphs
shuffle -- A symbol for the shuffle product
simplebnf -- A simple package to format Backus-Naur form (BNF)
simpler-wick -- Simpler Wick contractions
simplewick -- Simple Wick contractions
sistyle -- Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
siunits -- International System of Units
siunitx -- A comprehensive (SI) units package
skmath -- Extensions to the maths command repertoir
spalign -- Typeset matrices and arrays with spaces and semicolons as delimiters
spbmark -- Customize superscripts and subscripts
stanli -- TikZ Library for Structural Analysis
statex -- Statistics style
statex2 -- Statistics style
statistics -- Compute and typeset statistics tables and graphics
statistik -- Store statistics of a document
statmath -- A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation
steinmetz -- Print Steinmetz notation
stmaryrd -- St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
structmech -- A TikZ command set for structural mechanics drawings
struktex -- Draw Nassi-Shneiderman charts
substances -- A database of chemicals
subsupscripts -- A range of sub- and superscript commands
subtext -- Easy text-style subscripts in math mode
susy -- Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work
syllogism -- Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX
synproof -- Easy drawing of syntactic proofs
t-angles -- Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures
tablor -- Create tables of signs and of variations
tensind -- Typeset tensors
tensor -- Typeset tensors
tex-ewd -- Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style
textgreek -- Upright greek letters in text
textopo -- Annotated membrane protein topology plots
thmbox -- Decorate theorem statements
tiscreen -- Mimic the screen of older Texas Instruments calculators
turnstile -- Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation
ulqda -- Support of Qualitative Data Analysis
unitsdef -- Typesetting units in LaTeX
venn -- Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost
witharrows -- "Aligned" math environments with arrows for comments
xymtex -- Typesetting chemical structures
yhmath -- Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
youngtab -- Typeset Young-Tableaux
yquant -- Typesetting quantum circuits in a human-readable language
ytableau -- Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams
zx-calculus -- A library to typeset ZX Calculus diagrams