
Environment for authoring TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt, etc) documents
  5 reviews

An environment for authoring TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt, etc) documents, with a Unicode-based, TeX-aware editor, integrated PDF viewer, and a clean, simple interface accessible to casual and non-technical users.

TeXworks is inspired by Dick Koch's award-winning TeXShop program for Mac OS X, which has made quality typesetting through TeX accessible to a wider community of users, without a technical or intimidating face. The goal of TeXworks is to deliver a similarly integrated, easy-to-use environment for users on other platforms, especially GNU/Linux and Windows.
Latest reviews
vardila 8 years ago

The best LaTeX doc compiler! I love it.

inksi 12 years ago

I am not a tex fundi and probably need nothing more than this. A great way to start in tex.

piday 12 years ago

Nice and simple

Ericd 13 years ago

very useful

FunkyWhale 14 years ago

Almost there! source/preview sync works great, but PDF preview is very primitive. Does not show the TOC, and page switches are slow (cannot scroll up/down easily)