
virtual network computing server software
  8 reviews

VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.

This package provides a server to which X clients can connect and the server generates a display that can be viewed with a vncviewer.

The difference between the tightvncserver and the normal vncserver is the data encoding, optimized for low bandwidth connections. If the client do not support jpeg or zlib encoding it can use the default one. Later versions of vncserver (> 3.3.3r2) support a new automatic encoding that should be equally good as the tightvnc encoding.

Note: This server does not support or need a display. You need a vncviewer to see something. However, this viewer may also be on a computer running other operating systems in the local net.
Latest reviews
7MartinG3 3 months ago

Linux Mint 22 Wilma Cinnamon - Does not start. Startet nicht.

adamanon 6 months ago

Simply does not run on latest Mint 21

bol_extra_characters 3 years ago

it doesnt start up after installation on xfce 20.1

JohnnyStardust 5 years ago

Doesnt start on Mint 19.2 Cinnamon

desecheo 9 years ago

Works well!

jamied_uk 10 years ago

what is the client side i can use for use on windows for the client what app shall i use?

andjelko 13 years ago

It is simple and it works !

pepo84 14 years ago

Eine gute Alternative zu Vino.