
Paint program for young children
  20 reviews

Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children. It is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be fun and easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let the user know what's going on, and keeps them entertained.

Tux Paint is extensible. Brushes and "rubber stamp" shapes can be dropped in and pulled out. For example, a teacher can drop in a collection of animal shapes and ask their students to draw an ecosystem. Each shape can have a sound which is played, and textual facts which are displayed, when the child selects the shape.

There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies. The current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when it is restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames or use the keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from a collection of thumbnails.
Latest reviews
square_moochie 4 years ago

Just like to add, for those wanting to use full screen mode, if you have tuxconfig installed you can choose full screen mode from within there. Where to save files can also be chosen e.g. to your own pictures folder

Tomi1980 7 years ago

:) használható :)

leducthn 7 years ago

Hasn't updated for a while...

Cabba 8 years ago

Süsses Programm für Kinder. Leider fehlt ein Fullscreen-Modus, oder ich bin zu blöd ihn zu finden.

MartinZiegler 9 years ago


Aristotel 9 years ago

Дети 6 и 7 лет играют с удовольствием ... Хорошая находка звуковые эффекты

eagl3heart 9 years ago

Mantiene entretenido a mi hermano pequeño, muy bien logrado!

Semyon99 9 years ago

Photoshop для начинающих.

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

ok ok

raadya 10 years ago

Excellent software, only a few points to that: 1) full screen mode is missing, 2) to much questions for small children (new file, close program)

settara 10 years ago


Hristian_Carabulea 10 years ago

Yes, it is only for children. I cannot open any file I want, and I cannot save a file where I want, or rename it, etc. I am not sure why it is recommended on some sites as a similar program to the Windows software. 'Cause it is NOT! It is specially made for children, and I imagine it is a very good programs for this purpose!

Mato 10 years ago

Ovako bi vam svi programi trebali radit. Jel imate još ovaki programa? Za jednog MAJOG bebača.

Lenon 10 years ago

Kawaii Desu

varelik 10 years ago

Исправил в ьенеджере пакетов Synaptic

Vector-full 11 years ago

Excelente, sencillo y practico, para chicos y grandes

Barbarosa 12 years ago

Výborná aplikace pro zábavu dětí

Liber 12 years ago

My children like it and they like Linux too :-)

michelsaey 12 years ago

Very good drawing program for the kids

snidoct 12 years ago

I like it