
The ubiquitous amiga emulator
  5 reviews

Uae is a 100% software amiga (500) hardware emulator.

note: for "proper" use of uae, you need some version of the kickstart rom, and some os running on top of this (most likely some version of the amiga os). both don't comply to the dfsg (to say the least) and must be obtained from other sources. there is information in the package docs how to obtain these if you are owner of an amiga box.

however, there is a minimal free build-in kickstart replacement, and at least some demo disks are reported to run with it.
Latest reviews
leontb 12 years ago

Very strong loads the CPU right up to 100% because of what my laptop shuts down from overheating. In this case, the program is removed from hard task at the fifth attempt only took off. Be heated to remove this program. Очен сильно грузит процессор аж до 100% из-за чего мой ноутбук выключается от перегрева. При этом эту программу тяжело снят с задачи, на пятой попытки только снял. Вытопи удалил эту программу.

blueXrider 13 years ago


Solar 13 years ago

Good; if it doesn't work for you, check out e-uae.

Argent 13 years ago

A bit touchy but generally does the job well.

Sloma 14 years ago

This is what you need to run Amiga games on Linux. Simply nostalgic :)