
Full and incremental backup to disk or disk-like device
  3 reviews

Ukopp is used to copy or back-up disk files to a disk or disk-like device, such as a USB stick. It copies only new or modified files since the last backup, and is therefore quite fast. A GUI is used to navigate the file system to include or exclude files or directories at any level. These choices can be saved in a job file for repeated use. New files appearing within the included directories are handled automatically. Optionally, previous versions of the backup files can be retained instead of being overwritten. Files can be selectively restored using a GUI. Ownership and permissions are also restored, even if the target device uses a Microsoft file system.
Latest reviews
Busybody 7 years ago

This "backup" software caused the deletion of about 89,000 files off my back up drive, without any explicit warning that it was going to delete so many files! Why would a back up utility delete ANY files at all? Crazy! I dumped it in favour of a simple terminal command: rsync -vaub --exclude=.* --modify-window=4 ~/SOURCE /TARGET

cira 7 years ago

ukopp has a great feature which summarizes what it is going to do. See the menu entries under Report. ukopp can verify that the backup is correct too. Also, it was able to do in 5 minutes what took the mint backup tool almost 2 hours to accomplish. While using win32 for the backup media is possible I had problems with both ukopp and mint backup tool. During my backup attempts I discovered that one of the directories had over 60,000 files in it. Aparently, win32 can only hold about 25,000 entries in a directory. This caused the backup to fail. Reformatting the backup disk as btrfs solved the problem.

Roger_Whyte 7 years ago

Exactly what I was looking for. Easy to define a script. Recalling a saved script makes backups fast and easy.