
Automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices
  3 reviews

This package automatically mounts USB mass storage devices (typically USB pens) when they are plugged in, and unmounts them when they are removed. The mountpoints (/media/usb[0-7] by default), filesystem types to consider, and mount options are configurable. When multiple devices are plugged in, the first available mountpoint is automatically selected. If the device provides a model name, a symbolic link /var/run/usbmount/MODELNAME pointing to the mountpoint is automatically created.

The script that does the mounting is called by the udev daemon. Therefore, USBmount requires a 2.6 (or newer) Linux kernel.

Firewire devices are also supported by USBmount.

USBmount is intended as a lightweight solution which is independent of a desktop environment. Users which would like an icon to appear when an USB device is plugged in should use the pmount and hal packages instead.
Latest reviews
4ndy 11 years ago

Version 0.0.22 mounts USB devices as root, so that only root can write to them

3dBloke 12 years ago

Not required for Linux Mint 14

pbmuk 13 years ago

Suddenly I can see USB devices when they are plugged in on Mint Isadora :)