VOoM (Vim Outliner of Markups) is a plugin for Vim that emulates a two-pane text outlineer.
The following markup modes are available: - fmr(Default Mode) -- Start fold markers with levels: {{{1, {{{2, {{{3, etc. Headline text is before the marker. - fmr1, fmr2 fmr3 -- start fold markers with levels. Variations of the default mode. - wiki -- MediaWiki, headlines are surrounded by '='; - vimwiki -- vimwiki plugin - viki -- Viki/Deplate plugin - dokuwiki -- DokuWiki; - org -- Emacs Org-mode; - rest -- reStructuredText section titles; - markdown -- Markdown headers, both Setext-style and Atx-style; - pandoc -- Pandoc Markdown; - hashes -- #, ##, ###, etc. (Atx-style headers, a subset of Markdown format); - txt2tags -- txt2tags titles and numbered titles; - asciidoc -- AsciiDoc document and section titles, both styles; - latex -- LaTeX sectioning and some other commands; - latexDtx -- Same as LaTeX but for .dtx files (Documented LaTeX sources). - taskpaper -- TaskPaper - thevimoutliner -- The Vim Outliner plugin - vimoutliner -- VimOutliner plugin - cwiki - inverseAtx -- inverse Atx-style headers; - html -- HTML heading tags, single line only; - python -- Python code browser, blocks between 'class' and 'def' are also nodes. - paragraphBlank, paragraphIndent, paragraphNoIndent -- For working with paragraphs. Handy for sorting blocks of lines.