
guest additions iso image for VirtualBox
  20 reviews

VirtualBox is a free x86 virtualization solution allowing a wide range of x86 operating systems such as Windows, DOS, BSD or Linux to run on a Linux system.

This package provides an iso image which contains the guest additions for Linux, Solaris and Windows to be installed on the host system. The guest systems then can mount the iso and install the guest additions from there.
Latest reviews
rugunac 4 years ago

When you want to share clipboard, drag'n'drop and share folders to your guest computer from host computer, it requires you to install an image (ISO) file. That's the ISO file. Download this, use when VirtualBox asks you for guest addition ISO, install on guest side, and then functions just work. That's an optional package but I'd strongly recommend it, you'll never know when you gonna need it.

moonclub 6 years ago

Mint 18.3, problem with installing solved. You must use Nvidia drivers for Linux, instead of open source. This package seems to be the only way, to run guest OS (Windows 10) at 1920x1080. So before installing - check which driver is installed and in use.

technophant 7 years ago

Mint 16 works out of the box with it's own version installed, this breaks it. Don't install.

mclad 7 years ago

No unistall problems: "0 to upgrade, 1 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade."

jseiters 7 years ago

Worked for me. Virtualbox is still installed and runs. Maybe the package is fixed now.

marmotte 8 years ago

WTF! this package have uninstalled my virtualbox completely!!! DO NOT INSTALL IT

benjy 9 years ago

uninstalls virtual box making the iso rather redundant

FiretronP75 9 years ago

This package uninstalls virtualbox.

cvele 9 years ago

Check /usr/share/virtualbox, there should be VBoxGuestAdditions.iso already, no need to install this package.

khorsand14 9 years ago

It remove virtualbox after It's very bad

kurtkafka 9 years ago

removes virtualbox

Daibolik 9 years ago

install and remove virtual box? absurd

lakshmijiju 10 years ago

Agreed with other users. This app is not working. Don't install.

OregonJohn 10 years ago

DO NOT USE: This extension destroyed three VMs. Find it some where else.

RavenMind 10 years ago

I agree with the last poster. I love VirtualBox, but this version of the guest additions caused VirtualBox to be uninstalled. Had to download from Oracle's site. Don't waste your time downloading this.

nswearin 10 years ago

I love Virutalbox-4.3 but not this virtualbox-guest-additions-iso - I need the additions iso for the 4.3 but if I install the iso the 4.3 is removed. HELLO WHO DECIDED TO BE STUPID!!! I manually found the iso on

Sunesis 10 years ago

Install this on the virtual OS. From Virtual Box menu "Devices" within virtual OS. Choose "Insert Guest Additions CD Image". This will auto-resize the virtual OS window, which is very helpful, and allow use of a shared folder which is also very helpful!

HerrDierk 10 years ago

I Am new to this but I already love it

muhlber 10 years ago

Works perfect!

stevewood007 11 years ago

Required to get full-screen 1920x1080 for guest OS.