
framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities
  2 reviews

W3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework which aims to identify and exploit all web application vulnerabilities.

This package provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for the framework. If you want a command-line application only, install w3af-console.

The framework has been called the "metasploit for the web", but it's actually much more than that, because it also discovers the web application vulnerabilities using black-box scanning techniques!

The w3af core and it's plugins are fully written in Python. The project has more than 130 plugins, which identify and exploit SQL injection, cross site scripting (XSS), remote file inclusion and more.
Latest reviews
passwd 8 years ago

I have run it only after installing some dependencies. ("sudo apt install python-pip", "pip install --upgrade pip", "sudo pip install -U setuptools", "sudo apt install graphviz libpython-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev"), then run /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh and only then I have succesfully runned "python /home/username/w3af/w3af_gui".

tehknowledge 11 years ago

Unable to install on Mint 16 Cinnamon. Keeps asking for python2.6-dev and my system has 2.7-dev. Unable to run it