Die App stürzt unter Mint 20.3 Cinnamon ständig ab. Online-Angebote (Live-Earth, Picture of the Day etc.) lassen sich aufgrund angeblich fehlender Internetverbindung nicht nutzen. Im Moment nicht zu gebrauchen.
It works!!! Just add ppa:wallch/wallch-4.0 in your repository, refresh cache and install! I tried this in x32 and x64 versions 17.1 of lm. And in 17.2 x64 it works too
wallch does the job, but I am not into so much eye candy, and it's kinda resource hog for low config pc's
crash under Mint17.1 Mate x64. after start short flicker and that was it. even that drom launchpad
I used it in Linux Mint 16 and really enjoyed it... But it only crashes in Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon (64 bit)... Edit: I think Variety can be an alternative for now (after disabling all the online features in it)