
Unofficial whatsapp web desktop client for OSX, Linux and Windows. Build with Electron.
  20 reviews

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Klausur 8 months ago

WhatsAppDesktop läuft für mich am besten.

Blwred 1 year ago

Increible la estabilidad del programa, solo de vez en cuando cuando se corre en frio, se ve una pantalla en blanco, ero que se resuelve reiniciando el programa

Tomislav 2 years ago

It was working and then yeah, I agree, stopped working about a month ago. I'm also not able to simply remove it using my software manager...

luxin 2 years ago

Who is responsible for this app, who developed it?

fminor5 2 years ago

I had the same issue. Just from nowhere it stopped working. I am trying WhatSie at this moment.

MtseLC 2 years ago

No longer working. I endured the two letter issue, but now its not working at all. Do not install. Ya no funciona; aguanté el asunto de las dos letras cuando comenzabas a escribir pero ya no inicia sesión. No lo instalen.

ZermattChris 2 years ago

Seems to be very unloved. No longer able to use (and previously there was a super pesky double-char bug for ages). At the moment, nothing to see here, move along.

ttjimera 2 years ago

Since this morning, this app can no longer connect to WhatsApp. Can still connect via WhatsApp web from browser. So the problem is with the app. And yes, I do find the doubling of the first character annoying. I do have to thank the developer because I have been using this app for several years. But now I think it is time to try another app.

ianh 2 years ago

Sortining out the 1st character would be nice. But its not working at all for me now.

brainmaker 2 years ago

The repeating first character is enough of a bug to not recommend installing this app until the developer confirms it has been fixed.

Javierdelgado 2 years ago

Espero arrelguen ya el problema de la repeticion del primer caracter cuando se escribe. Es un muy molesto.-

ersantil 2 years ago

Por favor, solucionen la repetición de la primera letra cuando se escribe un mensaje. Hace ya mucho tiempo que tiene este defecto y además de quedar muy feo, en cuestiones laborales es aún peor la imagen que deja uno. Gracias. Eduardo

bandungdriver 2 years ago

This is the best software for whatspp in linux

David8879 2 years ago

the beginning 2 letter words is long issue which is not yet solved... secondly, it does not sync properly as it should.. the chat group or chat msg can still be seen even though they were deleted long time from the phone...so i have to delete this manually the second time....currently switched to web.whatsapp.com.. hope you guys will fix this soon...

jdescobarj 2 years ago

Falta corregir que se repite la la primera letra de una oración. Por ejemplo: si se desea escribir "Hola mundo", como resultado obtienes "HHola mundo"

mgrot 2 years ago

I use the app a lot, but the 1st letter you type is repeated. If I type "Hello" it will show up as "HHello". This problem started occurring around July or August I believe. It was fine before that.

danost 2 years ago

Several alternative no 1st letter repeat: Whatsie has dictionaries, Whatsapp for Linux

amsilva3 2 years ago

I wanted some help to solve the problem of repeating the first character when typing. someone has?

glda19 2 years ago

thx verry nice

somedudeonlinux 2 years ago

please fix the darn bug already pretty please