
Windows API implementation (transitional package)
  6 reviews

This is a transitional dummy package to complete the migration to the Debian wine packages. It can be safely removed.
Latest reviews
JE77 1 year ago

Very Good!

Medina 3 years ago

Excelente! Instalando o "Vineyard" junto, torna o uso melhor.

awais 4 years ago

I have installed the wine stable release, and trying to install AutoCAD LT 2015 but it fails and shows an error File cannot create diskpromt transform

josta 4 years ago

Was wäre ein LM ohne eine wine-Installation? Unvorstellbar! {für mich auf jeden Fall} MS Office 2010 habe ich zum Laufen bekommen und das war wichtig für manche Dokumente. Ziel erreicht.

Noelinar 4 years ago

Simply Amazing!!! Running Ableton 10.1.9 + VST Plugins from Windows x64 Bits perfectly !!! Al the DLLs too, Thanks so much for this INCREDIBLE UPDATE! I'm using it Perfectly at Feren OS

stucco 5 years ago

My first time trying Wine and I managed to get both Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and MS Office 2010 installed and working! Wine Rocks!