
Xbox360 gamepad driver for the userspace
  5 reviews

This is a Xbox/Xbox360 gamepad driver for Linux that works in userspace. It is an alternative to the xpad kernel driver and has support for Xbox1 gamepads, Xbox360 USB gamepads and Xbox360 wireless gamepads. The Xbox360 guitar and some Xbox1 dancemats might work too. The Xbox 360 racing wheel is not supported, but shouldn't be to hard to add if somebody is interested.

This driver is only of interest if the xpad kernel driver doesn't work for you or if you want more configurabity. If the xpad kernel driver works for you there is no need to try this driver.

In addition to all the Xbox related stuff, the driver also supports the Thrustmaster Dual Power 3 gamepad, including rumble, which isn't supported by the normal kernel driver.
Latest reviews
ianchelo 5 months ago

Lo probe con mando con cable y funciono bien asi en eso genial

nintendo1889 3 years ago

It does not work. I have an xbox clone gamepad, and it works with xone:

scanff 5 years ago

works ok the latest version from the devs site is way better.

chopical 9 years ago

now how do i make this work with steam games? or how do i reinstall xpad because when ever i look for it i just come up with something called xpad but instead of being a joystick controller it is a stick note program for writing stuff down

Zeroz 10 years ago

Did not quite make an expectation with me. Installing only the lib file would be necessary.