The xen cloud platform (xcp) is a server virtualization and cloud computing platform, with support for a range of guest operating systems, including linux network and storage support.
xcp addresses the needs of cloud providers, hosting services and data centers by combining the isolation and multitenancy capabilities of the xen hypervisor with enhanced security, storage, and network virtualization technologies to offer a rich set of virtual infrastructure cloud services. the platform also addresses user requirements for security, availability, performance, and isolation across both private and public clouds.
xcp consolidates server workloads, and enables savings in power, cooling, and management costs. this improves reliability and adaptability in ever-changing it environments, with optimized use of existing hardware, and contributes to environmentally sustainable computing.
this package provides the xe utility, the command-line interface for xcp systems. this tool can be used from dom0 to control a debian xcp system, or from a non-xen system to control an xcp or citrix xenserver system.