
Graphical newsreader written in Python and GTK+ toolkit
  3 reviews

With XPN you can read/write articles on the Usenet with a good MIME support. XPN can operate with all the most widespread charsets, starting from US-ASCII to UTF-8. When you edit an article XPN automatically chooses the best charset, however is always possible to override this choice.

There also other useful features like scoring, filtered views, random tag-lines, external editor support, one-key navigation, ROT13, spoiler char, ...
Latest reviews
inksi 6 years ago

not used heavily but have got used to it, no need to change

EdmundF 7 years ago

Promising package but it most definitely needs some tweaks before it become useful to me. 1 Make something that shows own postings in every group and every thread. ( eg COLOR the threads which contains own postings ) 2 Make a folder with the send items. 3 make different folders for different NNTP servers

blueXrider 13 years ago

works well