Quick firefox navigation menu through all the resources of the italian community of the italian ubuntu community (www.ubuntu-it.org). allow also a quick navigation through some resources of other ubuntu communities including the international one.
once installed, this extension inserts three identical menus with group of links arranged by support channels. one menu is located in the menu bar, another in the tools menu and the third in the right-click context menu. from the extension preferences you can enable or disable any of these three menus and also choose which sub-menus and specific groups of links have to be shown.
if the name of your personal page in the italian ubuntu wiki and/or the international ubuntu wiki is set in the preferences, the extension will automatically show the direct links to your personal pages.
the irc channel links require an external irc client (like "xchat") associated with the irc format links (irc://irc.server.net:port/channel?key) in order to run it and automatically join the selected channel.