12 years ago 0 |
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Installing Lexmark 3200 printer Linux Mint 13 Maya, Cinnamon – 30 July 2012
Go to:
Click lxm32—tweaked
Under select printer click Lexmark 3200 from the drop down list. Ensure Download button
is checked. Next, click Generate PPD File. At the prompt click Save File. By default the
.ppd will be saved in your Downloads folder.
Make sure the Lexmark 3200 is powered up and connected to your parallel port.
Download and install the CUPS printer configuration tool system-config-printer from:
Open a terminal and type system-config-printer <Enter> That will open up the GUI Printing-localhost . Click + Add and it will detect the printer. It will highlight LPT #1 (a printer connectedto the parallel port.)
Click Forward.
It will search for the driver. Click the button Provide PPD file.
Click the None bar and select Lexmark-3200-lxm3200-tweaked.ppd from your Downloads
folder and click Open. The .ppd will display. Click Forward. Fill in the printer Description areas
and click Apply. At the next prompt Print Test Page.
The printer will now be configured. You will see a printer icon with a check mark indicating the default printer. Quit the Printing-localhost GUI.