Simple synergy setup tutorial

  12 years ago


After spending forever trying to figure out how to make my life easier  I decided to write a little tutorial about synergy and quicksynergy to help with the setup 
Well let's get started, 
Basic idea :
synergy allows to share a mouse and keyboard across multiple computer 
quicksynergy is just the simple linux GUI for synergy
To keep this simple we will use 3 computers and will not mess with the config files : 
BoxC1, BoxC2 are our client computer 
BoxS  is the server one - the one with the keyboard and mouse to be shared.
Prerequesit :
-having installed synergy and quicksynergy on all the linux box that you want to share mouse with
sudo apt-get install synergy 
sudo apt-get install quicksynergy 
-Get the IP of each BoxS
sudo ifconfig 
- unfiltered local network -> ( because I have a filtered network where i can't even ping another                                                                  machine on the same network  )
Step 1)      Start Quicksynergy on all the Boxes(from terminal the first couple of time is better as you get to                          see the debug statement in case of issues...)
Quicksynergy has 3 tabs :
->the first tab (share) is the server tab 
->the second tab (use)  is a client tab
->the third tab (setting) just specify the path for the application ( you shouldn't need to                                                                                                                         change it )
Step 2)      select the first tab on BoxS
                   and  the Second tab on BoxC1 and BoxC2
Step 3)      On BoxC1 and BoxC2 enter the BoxS IP and a name for each one BoxC1 and BoxC2
let's call  BoxC1  - M1 
and  BoxC2  - M2
Step 4)      On BoxS click one of the textbox and enter the name of the BoxC1 and them click on another text                         box and enter the name of  BoxC2.
So for instance a setup will be having M1 on the left and M2 on the right ( BoxS being represented by the house in the middle.. localhost(made me think of localhouse lol) )
Step 5)       Click Execute on BoxS 
                    Click Execute on BoxCs
And you should be set, you can now enjoy not having 3 different mouses/keyboards and be frustrated when switching from one to the other ( yeah i'm a multitask-freak.. )
ps: this is my first tutorial, so let me know what you think and give me any tips for improvements.
thank you :)
After spending forever trying to figure out how to make my life easier with my messy desktop I decided to write a little tutorial about synergy and quicksynergy to help with the setup 
Well let's get started, 
basic idea :
synergy allows to share a mouse and keyboard across multiple computer 
quicksynergy is just the simple linux GUI for synergy
To keep this simple we will use 3 computers and will not mess with the config files : 
BoxC1, BoxC2 are our client computer 
BoxS  is the server one - the one with the keyboard and mouse to be shared.
Prerequesit :
-having installed synergy and quicksynergy on all the linux box that you want to share mouse with
sudo apt-get install synergy 
sudo apt-get install quicksynergy 
-Get the IP of each BoxS
sudo ifconfig 
- unfiltered local network -> ( because I have a filtered network where i can't even ping another machine on the same network  )
Step 1) start Quicksynergy on all the Boxes(from terminal the first couple of time is better as you get to see the debug statement in case of issues...)
Quicksynergy has 3 tabs :
->the first tab (share) is the server tab 
->the second tab (use)  is a client tab
->the third tab (setting) just specify the path for the application ( you shouldn't need to change it )
Step 2) select the first tab on BoxS
and  the Second tab on BoxC1 and BoxC2
Step 3) On BoxC1 and BoxC2 enter the BoxS IP and a name for each one BoxC1 and BoxC2
let call  BoxC1  - M1 
and  BoxC2  - M2
Step 4) On BoxS click one of the textbox and enter the name of the BoxC1 and them click on another text box and enter the name of  BoxC2
so for instance a setup will be having M1 on the left and M2 on the right ( BoxS being represented by the house in the middle.. localhost(made me think of localhouse lol) )
Step 5) Click Execute on BoxS
Click Execute on BoxCs
And you should be set, you can now enjoy not having 3 different mouses/keyboards and be frustrated when switching from one to the other ( yeah i'm a multitask-freak.. )
ps: this is my first tutorial, so let me know what you think and give me any tips for improvements.
thank you :)
thelegendaryant 12 years ago

I don't the requested number of computer for this tutorial but will be glad to test it. Is it as useful as a KVM switch ?