Install Softwares offline in LinuxMint (without having internet)

  12 years ago

This tutorial can be used to install softwares on computer with no internet connection. You can also use this tutorial to download the package files once and use them again and again either on your computer or someone else's.


Assume package named xfburn (a dvd burnind application) has to be installed and there is no internet connection on that computer. Following are the steps described to perform the installation offline:



1. Get the list of the files to be downloaded:

Open Synaptic package manager, search for the package (say xfburn) and mark it for installation. A new dialog box will appear which will ask to mark for necessary dependencies. Select Mark button. On menu bar, click on File, then choose Generate package download script option. A new dialog box will appear. Write the name of the file (file name ending with .sh) and choose the location for it (try to choose location in home folder or on desktop).



2. Downloading the files:

Here two cases arise - whether the computer from where files have to be downloaded runs on Linux or on Windows.


Case-1 The computer runs on Linux Operating System

If the computer runs on Linux, just paste that file ( on its desktop in some folder. Open that folder and double click on that file. Choose Run in Terminal and files will start downloading.

If nothing happens on double clicking the file, right click on file, under permissions tab Tick mark Allow executing file as program. Then run it again.


Case-2 The computer runs on Windows Operating System

There are two options - Either you take a live CD or USB to that computer and download the files as described in Case-1 OR you have download the files manually one by one which is a time consuming process.

To download files manually, open with a text editor, copy the download link one by one, paste it on Web browser's address bar or download it via Download manager.

wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c


3. Installing the Downloaded Files:

Take the folder in your Pen drive or any media. Open Synaptic package manager, On menu bar, click on File and select Add Downloaded Packages. Browse to the location of the folder containing downloaded files, select that folder (don't open that folder, just select that folder from outside) and Click on Open button. Then select Apply on new dialog box appeared. Package will be installed.

Another method for installing downloaded files is to copy all downloaded files present in folder and paste them in /var/cache/apt/archives. Then search package from Mint Software Manager and just hit Install button.


You can keep that folder on safe location so that it can be used later on if needed.


I have tried to share best methods I know. Any further modifications and suggestions are Appreciated.

kybagul 7 years ago

Not working......

kybagul 7 years ago

I hope its working....
I format my pc and try above tutorial...

Uttareshwar 9 years ago

nice one

yejay 10 years ago

can you dumb it down a bit for me ??

jahid_0903014 11 years ago

very good tutorial..