How to fix problems when starting the MATE Dictionary.

  12 years ago

Have you looked around your brand new and shiny Linux Mint MATE desktop? And you have tried the dictionary right? When you open the dictionary application. There was an error and it won't start. Now, how to fix that... uh... If you are having this problem then you have found the right tutorial. Let us start...

It is very easy to fix and anyone can do it without even touching the terminal.

1. You should probably see this:
Error Image

Don't get scared that this is so technical, it will only make things worse.

2. Click "Menu" at the far bottom left of the screen and click "Home Folder".

3. Right Click and click "Create Folder", we are going to name this folder exactly ".mate2".

4. Press Enter and the directory is now created, yay!

5. Close the File Manager.

6. Try to run the dictionary again, if things went well, you should be seeing:

Success! :D

Have fun!

NOTE: This may be fixed on the next version of MATE or Mint. This is the tutorial for Mint 13 MATE.