Brother MFC-J835DW

  11 years ago

Note: mfcj825dwlpr, mfcj825dwCupsWrapper ,

          mfcj835dwlpr, mfcj835dwCupsWrapper ,

          brscan-skey-0.2.4-0.amd64 , ( ALL *.DEB FILE TYPES) ,

          drivers are  IN :





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Re: HOWTO: install Brother printer drivers in Ubuntu 10.04 or later or Mint 11.


Moved to Tips & Tutorials.My blog Poetry and More Free Ubuntu Magazine

[solved] HOWTO: install Brother printer drivers in Ubuntu 10.04 or later or Mint 11.
No worries. With the help of some very nice people on IRC this was easy as pie

edit: i think i made some mistakes in my initial post, so i have updated it, and this way is simpler and worked for me no problem.

First off go to Brother Drivers for Linux® distributions at and click on Printer Driver. ctrl+F and search for your model of printer. click on it, and download the "LPR" deb first and install it, then the "cupswrapper" deb package.

Go into your web browser and type http://localhost:631/ into the address bar. Under the "PRINTERS" tab you should now find your printer..

Mine is the Brother MFC-J410w, which is also a scanner, and if you need to add your scanner, read on. Go back to Brother Drivers for Linux® distributions at and click on "scanner driver/scan-key tool". ctrl+f search for your brother scanner and then whatever category it falls into, such as brscan2 or brscan3 etc., go up and downbload that driver for your partiucular system(32 bit, deb, for ex.).

After the install, there is one more step:

As it states on ,

Press ALT+F2 to run an application, and in the field paste:

Code:    gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules

and add the following two lines to the end of the device list.


# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

Restart your computer. Viola! Thanks go out to to Karsus and Rustyl_64 among others!

Last edited by robot_chicken_parm; May 18th, 2012

meiguanxi 9 years ago

Helpful! I mostly was wondering which driver is right one with Linux Mint, rpm or deb. Had already found website, but so many models and drivers there that it is confusing. Thanks for your tutorial.

Sidewinder-LA 12 years ago

All I know is that I have been using Linux operating systems for five years, have little programming knowledge, and therefore have been unsuccessful at printing from the computers on which I've installed Linux. Found this tutorial today, followed the SUPER easy instructions, had a hiccup (too boring to enumerate), persevered, and now I can print to my networked Brother printer (2070N) JUST LIKE THE BIG BOYS do with their proprietary, mindlessly complex operating systems (I own both kinds, in several flavors, on multiple computers). I'm running Linux Mint 9, the Isadora flavor. THANK YOU! It is a great day for freedom, Open Source, and indeed, the future of humanity and the planet!

shockman 12 years ago

Thanks for cutting the path for us. I just bought a Brother MFC J835W to install on HP a6530f running Mint 14 Cinnamon. Everything worked without a hitch!
Thanks again