12 years ago 6 |
I like the user list at the login screen, but it lookes not very nice if there are no user avatars. And ss far as I know there is still no option to change the user avatar in LinuxMint. So I searched for a way to do that.
And this is what I found:
Put a 100x100px (I think size doesn't matter, but I didn't test other sizes) PNG file in your home folder and name it ".face" (it's a hidden file)
PS: if anybody knows where the default avatar is, I would love to overwrite it. It is so depressingly apathetic -_- makes me want to turn off the computer and never on again...
Unfortunately the "Users Settings" window does not allow changing the image.
The ~/.face method makes an image show up in the User Settings but not in the login managers.
you can also go to "System Settings" -> "User Accounts"
then click on the profile picture
under the default pictures there is a line "Browse for more pictures" click on it
choose the picture you want then press open
now a little preview appear with a little box in it
you can move and resize the little box
once happy with the result click select
believe me changing the avatar through "User Accounts" is easier then reading this comment