Convert a Windows image to a virtual machine

  14 years ago

  1. Resize real OS partition to say, 100gb
  2. Boot the real OS
  3. Install the vmware converter (get it from vmware
  4. Delete the paging file
  5. Start the conversion (takes about 20 minutes)
  6. Boot into Linux (or your host that will run the guest)
  7. Install VMWarePlayer 3 (get it from vmware
  8. Open a terminal
  9. Export the proxy (if needed)
  10. Start VMWarePlayer 3.
  11. Open the vmx and alter settings as needed (I usually wait until a successful boot)
  12. Don't let Windows install any new hardware. Install the VMTools on both host and guest (There's a drop-down menu in the player)
  13. If the guest doesn't automatically start the install, start it.
  14. Reboot
  15. re-create the paging file

When I originally did a Windows 7 (and probably Vista), I had to install VirtualPC ( and convert the image to a VPC first.  The vmware converter will convert the VPC image to a vmx/vmdk format. Then ran steps 5-12, starting with VPC image instead of the "real" pc.  I use VMPlayer to run my Windows guest, but VirtualBox should be able to run it, too.


hinto 8 years ago

VirtualBox runs vmdk files, which the VMWare Converter creates. You only have to re-create the machine description with VirtualBox, then point the new machine to the exisiting vmdk.

Raffie7Rooster 9 years ago

These instructions are 5 years old and certainly not accounting for new additions to LM since, ie. including VMBox in Software Mgr. As with bones Tdog's comment, my goal is to have a Virtual Windows program in order to run "strictly specific" Windows programs, such as accounting and finance proprietary programs within 17.3 Rosa and later versions.

hinto 13 years ago

It would only matter if your Windows was OEM or not. Virtualizing is like changing the hardware so you'll probably have to re-validate it.

bonesTdog 13 years ago

Would love more information in this direction:
1. Using VirtualBox rather than VMWare
2. Installing using a restore image (if that is different)
3. A bit more in depth for us n00bs

I would love to take my dual-booted machine to 100% Linux with Windows running in VB when needed, but only have the restore disk and no original install iso. Not sure if that matters.