Installing Webmin and configuring Samba Network Shares

  12 years ago


Use Linux Mint on an old comptuer to share vairous file systems on various harddrives.



  1. Linux Mint Maya / Ubuntu Precise
  2. Harddrives



1) Install or obtain a fresh version of Linux Mint 13 LTS Cinnamon for 32 or 64 bit.

2) Obtain a download from main website. And place in your downloads folder.

cd ~/Downloads



3) Install prerequisite packages.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl
apt-show-versions libapt-pkg-perl -y


Install webmin. In therminal type...

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/webmin_1.610_all.deb

Hint! If more prerequisite packages exist, try using apt-get install   for each of the errors.


Optional: Make a root account with a super strong password. In terminal type...

sudo passwd


Point your browser to localhost

https://localhost:10000/ . Accept the risk, Add the certificate.

Hint!: The linux super user with sudo privilages username and password. Or if you set a root password you may use: usename = root with the password set earlier.


Make sure your hard drives are mounted correctly.

From the webmin menu, System:Disk and Network Filesystems.

Mounting the drive correctly can be dificult at first. Perhaps at first, you might want to mount them by selecting the drive in the Devices panel in nautilus. After a refresh the Disk and Network Filesystems page, you can use this list with filetype and location as a baseis for correctly mounting your disks permanently.

Enter the samba Menu

Servers: Samba Windows File Sharing

Here you are presented a list of samba shares as well as samba settings, user settings, and the restart samba service button.

Add samba users by converting a system user. For me I chose:

Convert Users,

Only listed users or UID ranges: user

Only this password: <password>

Verify Samba User List

Servers: Samba Windows File Sharing: Samba Users

will show nobody and your new users.



mikebalemi 8 years ago

That was very easy to use. I noted that when I set up Webmin, it advised that there was a new version and it did this with great ease. Impressive.

peacefulsam 10 years ago

Thanks Grim,
lovely tutorial, I am on the new Quira Mint Linux 17 (Cinammon desktop), and installing Webmin works like a charm on here, managed to share files with another laptop machine at home running Mint Linux 16 (Petra), things looking really good.
Thanks once again.
I voted for the tutorial
~Salman~ (aka. Sam)

josefg 10 years ago

Today, an interesting alternative for setting up samba is to install Zentyal rather than webmin. See

larmi 12 years ago

socket options = TCP_NODELAY
uncommenting this line of may be required otherwise it may give time out errors with linux.
at least with big files i have needed to do this always !