12 years ago 0 |
Hi, I'd just like to share this method of getting Veetle to work on 64 bit Mint 13 in Chormium – a quick disclaimer first though, I have no real idea why this works and none of it is my work but rather copied from other sources – all I know is that Veetle HD is working now, and for the time being that's good enough for me.
The steps I used were:
apt-get install ia32-libs and ia32-libs-multiarch
Download Veetle 0.91.17 Plus.tar.gz (5,8 MiB)
Unpack Veetle and cd into the new folder
-p ~/.mozilla/plugins
cp *.so ~/.mozilla/plugins
mkdir -p ~/.veetle_vlc
cp vlc vlcori ~/.veetle_vlc
I should also add that I have previously installed the veetle downloaded sh file, which reported that it had worked and I could view HD on the Veetle web-site, this didn't work as when I tried to view Veetle I was shown the "downlooad veetle hd" file. And only when I followed steps 2 through 7 did it actually work when I restarted Chromium.
I not sure if step 1 is needed as I got this step from another source that seemed to think that it is necessary and the steps 2 through 7 are from Marc Rochow at http://www.gironimo.org/netzwelt/howto-veetle-ubuntu-64-bit-installieren.html so big thanks to him, and I hope this works for you too.... GoodLuck
1) sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch
2) download and extract into folder as link from article
3) mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins
4) cd ~/Downloads/veetle-0.9.17/
5) cp -v *.so ~/.mozilla/plugins
6) mkdir -p ~/.veetle_vlc
7) cp -v vlc vlcori ~/.veetle_vlc