LAMP - How to configure local Webserver in Linux

  11 years ago

(The Tutorials you find in the links below)

I tried to use some of the LAMP tutorials from the Linux Mint Community. Unfortunatly as a new LAMP user under Linux (i used Windwos for a long time) I had a lot of troubles to following.

Someone who used Windows so long will be lost becaus of the user rights in linux. Every second step where i made in the www folder of the Webservers root endet up with a internal server Error or missing Userrights.

General user/group rights for the Webserver data are www-data (/var/www & /home/yourID/webdev). So if you make any changes (moving, copying or creating data) it is a good idea to change owner (chown)

You can doo so using the command,

for tutorial 01 (in terminal):  sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

for tutorial 03 (in terminal):  sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /home/yourID/webdev

-R (recursive) means the change will be done for the mentioned folder and subfolders.

Beside Ownership there are also the file mode bits (chmod) where you sometimes need to change. If you like better to anderstand, watch te following Youtube-Video. It will explain the difference between rwx,rwx,rwx and 777 vor example ;)


I used the followoing manuals where have been written for Ubuntu and will also  work for linux Mint.

1) Install the Lamp system for Linuxmint (nice and anderstandable for new Linux Users):

2) Common problems (check if you get some errors):

3) How to Configure Apache Webserver on Linux (Using vhosts & change webroot):


If you want to change the www-data user for the apache you can do so too. So you might can pass the step with changing the folderpermissions. Check out this Tutorial: > Site in home Directory

Rebel450 9 years ago

helpful :-)

jackycms 10 years ago

very useful info, Thanks a lot.

ciaobello 11 years ago

feel free to do so!