Installing Ibus-Avro (Bangla) on Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE)

  11 years ago

Hello, I'm a newbie user of Linux Mint LMDE, and this is my first attempt to write a tutorial. I wanted to share this for anyone like me, specifically wanting to use Avro Keyboard for writing in Bangla on LMDE in applications such as LibreOffice, etc.

LMDE, by default, offers Bangla (Bengali) writing integration using different fully UNICODE-compliant keyboard patterns: Boisakhi, Bornona, Prabhat, and Gitanjali. All of these work smoothly on LibreOffice, provided if you are familiar with their keyboard layouts (These can be accessed from: Menu>Preferences>Keyboard>Layout Settings>Using the + sign at the left-hand corner of the window to add a preferred keyboard.)

As the ibus-avro has been designed primarily keeping Ubuntu users in mind, this tutorial is only for those wanting to try English to Bangla phonetic typing using the Avro Keyboard on LMDE systems. For regular Mint editions, visit the detailed tutorial created by users at the Bangla Linux Community forum  or by the Avro developers.

I don't know if there are shorter routes, but here is how it worked for me:

1) Go to Linux Mint's Software Manager from your computer's Menu, and search for these three packages and install them, one by one:





2) Download this file: After download is complete, right click, and extract to a folder.

2) Inside the folder, right click and open a terminal. Type the following and press enter:


This will check for the required software needed to build the program.

3) If you'll receive an error message, saying you need to install certain software packages (something like "No package 'mozjs185' found", etc.) , install the needed packages by using the following command on your terminal

sudo apt-get install chowmein

where 'chowmein' stands for the package name. Accordingly, you install these packages using the following commands (when asked for yes/no options, type Y in caps)

4) Once you've fulfilled all dependencies, run ./configure again inside the folder mentioned in step 2. If configuration is successful, type  make in the terminal and press Enter. (This command compiles the program, and you'll end up with something like this.) 

5) The program is now successfully compiled, but not installed.To install it to your system, type this:

sudo make install

into the terminal and hit Enter.

6) The task is now more than half done, and the rest is easy. You install Ibus using the following command:

sudo apt-get install git ibus libibus-1.0-dev automake autoconf gjs gir1.2-ibus-1.0

7)  Install the following code to download, compile and install the ibus-avro (here's a screenshot):

 git clone git://
    cd ibus-avro
    aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    sudo make install

8) Now ibus-avro is installed, go to Menu and search for Ibus in the search bar. Go to Ibus Preferences>Select an Input Method>Bengali>Avro Phonetic (see screenshot), and it's done!

9) Open LibreOffice and start typing in phonetic Bengali (using the Cntrl+Space keys together as a toggle between Bengali and English keyboard layouts).


Thank you.


(Much thanks is due to Linux Mint user Kaustav Das Modak for helping me find the way to easily write Bengali in LMDE.)
aatreya 8 years ago

I have linux mint 17.2. I have tried this tutorial. But when I tried to install the required packages as per step 3 an error message come saying that unable to locate the package. How can I fix this problem?

jahid_0903014 11 years ago


rousseau09 11 years ago

I've already replied to sarim's post,

Here's a quick rundown:

I use a pentest version of Debian (Kali Linux) and it just works when you follow the following instructions:

Standard packages: (removed gir1.2-gjsdbus-1.0 and added ibus-1.0)
apt-get install git ibus libibus-1.0-dev automake autoconf gjs gir1.2-ibus-1.0 ibus-1.0
git clone git://
cd ibus-avro
aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
Hope that helps someone out there.

Chowmein is not avail in my source list, but then again I try to avoid too many package installation at anytime to keep things simpler.