add new Item in open with list.

  11 years ago

some time your application may not added in open with list although it is install in your system.

for example I use idle to open python source file ( but it is not include in open with list or default app. 

to add any app as a default app or open with list :-

1) goto /usr/share/applications folder and see your app is there or not.

if not create launcher.                                    /////           more info see how to create luncher

      name: idle                                   /// need to cread a .desktop file

      command:  app-name

2) go to /home/user-name/.local/share/applications and open mimeapps.list

(gedit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list)

and add it  as

   [Default Applications]  // as a default app


    [Added Associations]   // in the open with list


How to add in mimeapps.list

1) see the property of the file that you want to open
     for example
              a)   using file manager goto the file location 
             b) select the file
            c)   right click on it.
            d) click property.

properties image

2) open mimeapps.list to edit

add a line as:

text/x-python=idle.desktop  //   type = create launcher name . desktop

3) save mimeapps.list 

you will see the effect.

thanks to read.

jahid_0903014 11 years ago

thank's for your useful tutorial.

sujitnag 11 years ago

I am also a windows user more than 14 years.
last 1 and 1/2 I seriously use linux system, and I love it.
although i use dual mode win7 and lm13.
it is not hard only u have enough energy to learn.

welcom in linux world.

fuego 11 years ago

Thanks sujitnag, I had more time to study this today. One thing that helped me to grasp this was another's comment that "Linux determines a file by content." Now I understand how file properties are used in the mimeapps.list. It's a hard transition for an old Windows man but I'm getting there slowly.